Colorimeters and spectrophotometers are two types of color measurement instruments that find use to capture, analyze, and communicate color. One of the similarities between colorimeter and spectrophotometer is that both measure sample absorbance to determine analyte concentrations. A colorimeter or spectrophotometer measures any test substance that is itself colored or can be reacted to produce a color. Both devices provide data obtained over the same range of visible wavelengths, but there are some differences when they deal with this data. This article will help explain spectrophotometer vs. colorimeter.

A colorimeter is a light-sensitive instrument used for measuring the transmittance and absorbance of light passing through a liquid sample. The instrument measures the intensity or concentration of the color that develops upon introducing a specific reagent into a solution. It provides an objective evaluation of color characteristics based on light passing through the primary filters of red, green, and blue. It simulates how the human eye perceives color.
A colorimeter can determine colorimetric values under a single illuminant easily and is used primarily for reflectance measurements. However, a colorimeter is not appropriate for complex color analysis such as metamerism, colorant strength, or recipe formulation. There are two types of colorimeters, color densitometers and color photometers. Color densitometers measure the density of primary colors whereas color photometer measures the color reflection and transmission.

Spectrophotometry is a branch of electromagnetic spectroscopy concerned with the quantitative measurement of the reflection or transmission properties of a material as a function of wavelength. Spectrophotometry uses photometers, known as the spectrophotometers that can measure the intensity of a light beam at different wavelengths. Although spectrophotometry is most commonly applied to ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation, modern spectrophotometers can interrogate wide swaths of the electromagnetic spectrum, including X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and/or microwave wavelengths. The spectrophotometer is the most precise, accurate, and sophisticated color measurement instrument available for color quality control and color formulation. Spectrophotometers are widely used in various disciplines such as physics, molecular biology, chemistry, and biochemistry. It is available as bench-top models for quality control and research labs or portable for factories or fieldwork.
Spectrophotometer performs the full-spectrum color measurement. It measures the spectral reflectance or transmittance of an object across the full spectrum of visible wavelengths, from 400mm to 700mm. The instruments’ greater specificity makes them the instrument of choice for color formulation, specification of standards and tolerances, inter-plant color communication, and quality control of color.
Spectrophotometer VS Colorimeter
Understanding the factors that distinguish a colorimeter from a spectrophotometer and the principle of colorimeter and spectrophotometer can help you determine which tool best optimizes your management workflow. Several factors play an essential role in this difference. The following table highlights spectrophotometer vs. colorimeter.
- The spectrophotometer is composed of moving parts and it is heavier in weight and only good for bench use.
- The colorimeter is made up of stationary parts and it is lighter in weight and therefore good for field use.
- The spectrophotometer is composed of a sensor, data processor and sometimes includes computer software. It has many available illuminant or observer combinations.
- The colorimeter is composed of a sensor and a simple data processor. It has only a set illuminant and observer combination.
- The spectrophotometer can indirectly calculate psychophysical information.
- Colorimetric data directly read and provide tristimulus values such as XYZ, G, b, d, etc.
- The spectrophotometer is generally a more complex instrument than a colorimeter.
- The colorimeter is generally a rugged and less complex instrument than a spectrophotometer.
Main Function
- The spectrophotometer measures the amount of light that passes through a sample.
- The colorimeter measures the absorbance of light.
- The spectrophotometer uses a wide range of wavelengths in the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared zones.
- The caliber 8mm portable colorimeter uses fixed wavelengths in the visible range only.
The wavelength Selector
- The wavelength selector of the spectrophotometer is monochromatic, wavelength range.
- The wavelength selector of the colorimeter is a color filter, fixed wavelength.
So, there you have every single fact about the difference between colorimeter and spectrophotometer.