What is

What is the Difference between Colorimeters and Spectrophotometers?

Introduction Spectrophotometry is a technique that measures how much a substance absorbs light by measuring the intensity of light, as a beam of light passes through it. The basic principle is that every compound absorbs or transmits light over a certain range of frequencies (wavelengths). If we take a measure of this, it could be …

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How to Eliminate the Transmittance Difference of a Colorimeter?

Transmittance accuracy refers to the difference between the measured value of a sample with a standard transmittance value and the nominal transmittance value of the standard sample by a colorimeter without considering random errors. When the instrument is in a working state, the light source should be stable without flickering. When the wavelength is set at …

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Why is There a Deviation in the Transmittance Indication of the Colorimeter?

As a common instrument for quantitative analysis of chemical substances, photometers are widely used in scientific research, production, medical treatment, laboratory, and other fields. In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the measured values of the instrument, the colorimeter must be verified according to JJG178- 2007 “Verification Regulations for Ultraviolet, Visible and Near-Infrared colorimeters”. …

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How to Improve the Accuracy of a Colorimeter?

Details on the preparation of fully optimized instruments Before the colorimeter is used, relatively complicated preparations of other equipment, raw materials and conditions are required. This preparation stage plays a fundamental role in the operation and measurement of the caliber 4mm pocket colorimeter. The operator should first ensure the adaptability of the ring term during the …

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What is the Effect of Stray Light on a Colorimeter?

The colorimeter is a common analytical instrument in the laboratory; it is widely used in industry, agriculture, environmental testing, medical and health, food inspection, and other fields. The principle of the instrument is that the substance in the solution has an effect on light absorption under the excitation of light, and the substance absorbs light …

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What are the Factors Influencing the Signal Stability of Colorimeter?

In order to overcome or reduce the misjudgment caused by stability, reduce the economic loss of users, and improve the use efficiency of the colorimeter, it is necessary to analyze the main factors of the lack of stability of the instrument detected by the sample. The internal factors (factory design and processing) In order to …

What are the Factors Influencing the Signal Stability of Colorimeter? Read More »

What is a Colorimeter?

When it comes to colorimeters, let’s first introduce photometry. Photometry is the general name given to the techniques which use the detection of light radiation and changes in radiation intensity. If the measured light is in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum, then the term applied to the analysis is colorimetry. The basis of …

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